Certified Health Professionals (CHP) was founded by healthcare professionals, educators and independent business owners who recognize the importance of the allied health professional in the medical field. We believe the role these highly skilled professionals play in maintaining and improving healthcare for the safety of their patients, employers and the public is critical.
CHP operates with the leadership of the CHP Advisory Board, volunteer task force members, our healthcare and administrative employees and freelance team members.
CHP provides continuing education and leadership development opportunities to our members. We believe our members are the future of professional excellence.
To certify individuals in the allied healthcare industry who promote the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence.
Members and candidates of Certified Health Professionals must:
Note: Certified Health Professionals is also known as CHP and CHP Corp.
CHP's Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct reflect the fundamental values essential to reaching our goal of promoting the highest standards of professional excellence in our members. A violation of our standards will result in disciplinary action including the revocation of your membership, revocation of candidacy and revocation of certification(s).
Members, candidates and examinees allegedly violating CHP's Mission Statement, Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct, their employer's code of conduct, USA Government laws, association laws or agency laws have the responsibility to report in writing and work collaboratively with CHP to resolve the matter where possible. Members may provide evidence to CHP, in writing, to dispute the violation and resolve the allegation(s) against the member. A hearing exhorting fairness and best practice standards will be provided to the member, candidate and examinee by CHP while responsibly attempting to resolve the allegation(s) made against them.
CHP has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating, a breach of academic or professional ethics. If allegations of cheating or a violation of the CHP Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct is confirmed, a breach of academic or professional ethics is confirmed, the national certification exam result or activity result will be invalidated and all certification(s) will be revoked with no refund provided for terminated services.
Allegations of cheating against a member, candidate, examinee will be investigated by CHP and a hearing will be held to determine if a violation of CHP standards, allied healthcare industry standards or USA Government law has occurred. Members must not participate in any activity that jeopardizes the security or integrity of CHP's national certification exam(s). This includes allegations of sharing intellectual property, allegations of sharing exam content or any material with any party. If it is found a violation has occurred CHP has the right to invalidate the national certification exam score, revoke all certification(s) and deem a candidate ineligible to retake the exam or sit for any future CHP national certification exam or activity. No refund will be provided for terminated services.
CHP may enforce disciplinary action against a member, candidate or examinee who engages in illegal, threatening, unlawful, unprofessional behavior, or an activity not specifically described as a violation in CHP's Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct.
CHP will report disciplinary actions taken against a member, candidate, examinee to concerned third parties, which may include the members, candidate or examinees certificate school, employer, regulatory agency, regulatory association, licensing body and law enforcement.
CHP Proctors are required to read, explain and enforce the rules of conduct prior to each national certification exam or activity. If a member, candidate or examinee violates the rules of conduct, the proctor can terminate the national certification exam or activity and request the member, candidate, examinee leave the examination or activity room. The proctor is required to file a written report with CHP. CHP will research and determine if any further disciplinary action is warranted. If it is found the actions of the member, candidate, examinee violates CHP Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct the exam will be invalidated, all existing certification(s) revoked and no refund will be provided for terminated services.
If it is found a member has violated CHP's Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Ethics disciplinary action including revocation of your membership, revocation of candidacy and revocation of certification will be enforced.
Note: Certified Health Professionals is also known as CHP and CHP Corp.